Books by Jose Saramago (15)


Baltasar and Blimunda by Jose Saramago EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
In early eighteenth-century Lisbon, Baltasar, a soldier who has lost his left hand in battle, falls in love with Blimunda, a young girl with visionary powers. From the day that he follows her home from the auto-da-fe where women are burned at the stake, the two are bound body and soul by love of an unassailable strength. A third party shares their supper that evening: Padre Bartolomeu Lourenco, whose fantasy is to invent a flying machine. As the Crown and the Church clash, they purse his impossible, not to mention heretical, dream of flight.


Blindness by José Saramago EN

Rating: 4 (18 votes)
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
No food, no water, no government, no obligation, no order. Discover a chillingly powerful and prescient dystopian vision from one of Europe's greatest writers. A driver waiting at the traffic lights goes blind. An ophthalmologist tries to diagnose his distinctive white blindness, but is affected before he can read the textbooks. It becomes a contagion, spreading throughout the city. Trying to stem the epidemic, the authorities herd the afflicted into a mental asylum where the wards are terrorised by blind thugs. And when fire destroys the asylum, the inmates burst forth and the last links with... continue


Claraboia by Jose Saramago PT

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
Terminado em 1953 e inédito até depois da morte do autor, Claraboia narra com aguda percepção psicológica o dia a dia e as angústias dos moradores de um modesto prédio de apartamentos em Lisboa, e revela um Saramago em pleno domínio da narrativa. Primavera de 1952. Um prédio de seis apartamentos numa rua modesta de Lisboa é o cenário principal das histórias simultâneas que compõem este romance da juventude de José Saramago. Os dramas cotidianos dos moradores - donas de casa, funcionários remediados, trabalhadores manuais - tecem uma trama multifacetada, repleta de elementos do consagrado estil... continue


Death at Intervals by José Saramago EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
"On the first day of the New Year, no one dies. his understandably causes great consternation amongst religious leaders if there s no death, there can be no resurrection and therefore no reason for religion and what will be the effect on pensions, the social services, hospitals? Funeral directors are reduced to arranging funerals for dogs, cats, hamsters and parrots. Life insurance policies become meaningless. Amid the general public, on the other hand, there is initially celebration- flags are hung out on balconies and people dance in the streets. They have achieved the great goal of humanity... continue


Death with Interruptions by José Saramago EN

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
Nobel Prize-winner Jose Saramago's brilliant new novel poses the question -- what happens when the grim reaper decides there will be no more death?


El Evangelio según Jesucristo by José Saramago ES

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
José, en lugar de ser carpintero sin ningún tipo de inquietud es recreado por el autor como un personaje complejo y fascinante, atormentado por la culpa y el arrepentimiento por haber preferido salvar a su hijo antes que alertar a la población sobre las intenciones de Herodes. El evangelio según Jesucristo, que tanto sorprendió al mundo católico, presenta una visión mundana de los hechos relativos al Nazareno: las circunstancias de su nacimiento, los primeros interrogatorios a su madre, los encuentros con ángeles y demonios, el descubrimiento del amor junto a María Magdalena, los diálogos exis... continue


Ensayo sobre la ceguera by Jose Saramago ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
Saramago arranca con una idea interesante: ¿Qué pasaría si…? En este caso, elabora un ensayo sobre que pasaría si todos quedaran ciegos, en forma de historia en torno a un grupo de personajes. Tiene humor, historia, situaciones, reflexiones y una prosa muy interesante, casi española. Lo sucedido, las opiniones, los mecanismos lógicos son del autor, que a pesar de escenas terribles, se cuida de evitar el espanto. Buena.


Eseu despre orbire by José Saramago RO

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
Eseu despre orbire este un roman cutremurător, o mărturie a neîncrederii autorului în societatea contemporană, incapabilă să-și gestioneze și să-și rezolve crizele. Într-un oraș anonim, populat de personaje fără nume, izbucnește o boală îngrozitoare ce provoacă orbirea. Fără o cauză aparență, în afară de cea morală, oamenii își pierd, unul cîte unul, vederea și barbaria se dezlănțuie. Unică reacție a politicienilor este represiunea, urmată în curînd de apariția lagărelor. Din motive necunoscute, o singură persoană scapă de flagel – so... continue


O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo by José Saramago PT

Rating: 5 (2 votes)
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
Romance magistral e polêmico do Prêmio Nobel de Literatura de 1998. "O filho de José e de Maria nasceu como todos os filhos dos homens, sujo de sangue de sua mãe, viscoso das suas mucosidades e sofrendo em silêncio. Chorou porque o fizeram chorar, e chorará por esse mesmo e único motivo." Todos conhecem a história do filho de José e Maria, mas nesta narrativa ela ganha tanta beleza e tanta pungência que é como se estivesse sendo contada pela primeira vez. Nas palavras de José Paulo Paes: "Interessado menos na onipotência do divino que na frágil mas tenaz resistência do humano, a arte magistral... continue


Seeing by José Saramago EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
Four years after a bizarre blindness plague hits the capital, the political arena is thrown into turmoil when election day is marked by an unprecedented turnout of blank ballots and rebellious acts that prompt a state of emergency declaration. By the Nobel Prize for Literature-winning author of Blindness. Reader's Guide available. Reprint.


Small Memories by José Saramago EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
A personal account by the late author traces his youth in Lisbon with his parents, marked by frequent visits to his wise grandparents in the village of Azinhaga, his older brother's tragic early death, and his initial encounters with literature.


The Double by Jose Saramago EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
A “wonderfully twisted meditation on identity and individuality” from a Nobel Prize–winning author who pushes fiction to its very limits (The Boston Globe). As this novel by the author of Blindness and All the Names begins, Tertuliano Máximo Afonso is a divorced, depressed history teacher. To lift his spirits, a colleague suggests he rent a certain video. Tertuliano watches the film, unimpressed. But during the night, when he is awakened by noise, he finds the VCR replaying the video and watches in astonishment as a man who looks exactly like him—or, more specifically, exactly like he did five... continue


The Elephant's Journey by José Saramago EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
The enchanting tale of an elephant, his keeper, and their journey through sixteenth-century Europe, based on a true story.


The Stone Raft by José Saramago EN

0 Ratings
Country: Europe / Portugal flag Portugal
One day a rift opens along the border between Spain and France, and the Iberian peninsula floats off across the Atlantic, a great stone raft. But what of the floating population? While the tourists and investors flee, the Spanish and Portuguese escape the coast and wander the inland roads.